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Los Angeles DWP Sub-Meter

For All Your Plumbing Needs


The Los Angeles City Council has authorized the City of Los Angeles sewer system customers to install a water sub-meter to calculate the actual amount of water that goes back down the drain. Up until recently your sewage bill was based on a percentage of the volume of water delivered to you through the City meter. An estimate is then use to determine the amount of water that drains into your yard. With the new water sub-meter the guess work is removed. The private sub-meter will substitute estimated data for the actual. There for, you will only have to pay for the water that actually goes back into the sewer.

Stop Being Over Charged
Stop Paying for Sewage that You Don't Use
Stop Throwing Your Hard Earned Money Down the Drain
Install the Water Sub-Meter and Save

Sub Meter Savings Calculator

Enter Theoretical Annual Discharge
(Obtain amount from table below)  
Annual Private Sub-Meter Reading
Enter Your Lowest *HCF for the Year
Amount is displayed on your bill for a 2-3 month period.  
Current Sewer Charge
Annual Sewer Charge After Sub Meter Installation

The following dollar total is an estimate of how much your new annyal sewer charges may be after the sub meter is installed. In many cases the sub meter pays for its self within the first 1 year.

* Hundred Cubic Feet (HCF)  

Determination of annual sewage production without Ultra-low-flush Toilets.
Number of Persons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Annual Discharge 37.96 753.92 113.88 151.84 189.80 227.76 265.723 303.68

Determination of annual sewage production with Ultra-low-flush Toilets.
Number of Persons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Annual Discharge 30.66 61.32 91.98 122.64 153.30 183.96 214.62 245.28

Who Benefits

Clients that are most likely to benefit include the following:

  • Homes with a large front yard and or large backyard.
  • Homes with swimming pools and or fountains.
  • Yards rich in landscape.
  • Apartment complex with high water bills.
  • Property Associations that share water usage.
  • Day Cares, Preschools, Family Day Care and or any other child care facilities.
  • Anyone that is frustrated with with high water bills and or sewage bills.


The program requires that the customers plumbing be configured to separate the water distribution lines on the customers property which drain to the sewer ("tributary lines") from those which do not drain to the sewer ("nontributary lines"). Some homes may not need a configuration of their plumbing system.

Acquiring Water Sub-Meter

The most immediate method of purchasing a water sub-meter is to call 818-776-8999 and speak with MR.SUBMETER™. He can answer all your questions and help setup a time for a plumber to inspect your home to see if installing a sub-meter will really lower your water bill. If you benefit from the water sub-meter, an appointment then can be setup for an installation.

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